Selasa, 03 November 2009

perihal sarasehan sastra

Untuk meningkatkan rasa apresiasi mahasiswa terhadap karya sastra, Selasa 22 oktober 2009 prodi sastra inggris kembali menyelenggarakan “sarasehan Sastra” bertempat di halaman gedung B3 bahasa inggris UNNES . Hadir dalam acara tersebut Saudari Ery, sekretaris dari FLP (forum lingkar pena) Semarang sebagai pembicara. Sarasehan ini merupakan event ke tiga yang diselenggarakan prodi sastra inggris. Selain itu hadir juga beberapa dosen sastra serta kaprodi sastra inggris UNNES Ibu Dra. Rahayu Puji H, M.Hum.
Sarasehan sastra adalah event bulanan yang diadakan demi meningkatkan minat mahasiswa bahasa inggris, kususnya mahasiswa sastra untuk lebih menggemari karya-karya sastra. Selain itu juga dimaksudkan untuk menampung teman-teman pecinta sastra dalam suatu wadah. “ kami berharap dari sini akan ada mahasiswa yang dapat menghasilkan karya sastra, karena di sarasehan itu kami juga memberi pelatihan untuk menulis.” Kata Ibu Dwi Anggara asiati ss, mpd, salah stu dosen sastra inggris.
Dalam acara ke tiga tersebut diambil tema bagaimana cara untuk menmbuhkan ide kreatif untuk menulis. Hal ini dimaksudkan supaya mhasiswa yang ikut akan dapat menuangkan ide kreatifnya ke dalam suatu karya. Zubaidi, mahasisws sastra inggris semester 5 selaku ketua panitia menjelaskan “ Event ketiga ini kita buat berbeda dengan tema event-event sebelumnya, kalau sebelumnya hanyalah bedah buku, untuk kali ketiga ini kami fokuskan ke dalam aplikasi penulisan karya satra”
Recananya bulan November dan Desember nanti juga akan ada sarasehan sastra. Ibu Dwi Anggara Asianti menjellskan “ Nopember akan diadakan di pertnghan bulan, sementara di bulan Desenber akan dibuat event yang lebih besar, yakni seminar dan workshop kepenulisan.”

karya puisi anak sastra

Ahmad Taufik, english literature ‘03

World has getting old
Woods has cut down to sold
It’s human’s faults

Ice has melt down
Land has drowning down
Actually what was going on?

Are not enough what we have seen?
Cause our greed and our sin
There are no more green

How long we could take these scene?
And let the world going to ruin
And we all die with out green

Dancing on The Wave
Abdulfattah auliya Nashrullah, english literature ‘06

Under the sun shining
The wave hurls an moistens
And the wind blows
How dark the house is
How dry the family is
After God said, the teacher is gone away
One goes, the other takes the right
The beloved leader of the sailors, sailors of the life
Finds a life , gets rid of a losing way
To feed his blood, to lift his standar
To hell with obstacle....
To hell with sickness...
After father is brother, the elder,
The upon-wave dancer

The Paper in The Stream
Andika Fauzi, english literature ‘06

The wind of the west blow stiffly
Slam the walls and the windows
A piece of paper with words, name, and mind of wisdom
Has been swept away and separated from the pile
Flew away, up and down, right and left
Gyrate and slash the breath of life
Fall into the stream of gutter
The paper attached and dragged freely
Tarnished by the water of bleak
The pale crawling and fills the fiber
Lay aside the faded wise mind and words
Replace with dirt and muck
Washed away in the low of dull
Forgotten and gone

That’s All
Teguh Riyanto, english literature ‘0

My Lord
I have spewed up entirdy desires and interest
I have spilled the whole content of my chest
To beg you filling the hole with the material wish
Like the ocean yearn for te fish

Now look
The most exalted gift and overflowed always
The lad where grows mny grows
The water which never stop to drop
The sun which never try to die
The air which have never been bored to blow
The river which never end to flow

Enough, enough my Lord
I have no power anymore to carry
My back is tosnap likely
Thank is what i beg you to train
To cool the greedy of mine
Rudiyanto, english literature ‘06

When the golden yellow light breaks through
The end of the east
Falls upon the leaves
Grash, so like stars at day
Upon the fields the farmers make life
Liht perfectly is reflected unto the air
Tributary unity, descend to the river
As if fulfillig the lake’s call
To where they gather
The village now takes shower
The sunlight covers the roofs
Of the houses, stables, and chimneys
Thus, as though farmers’re woken up
As if they were done to welcome
Their new born day

Mandasari Wardani english literatur ‘06

The colourful ribbon that beautify my life
Gives the cheerfulatmosphere whwn i woke up
The fresh air that fill my lungs everytime
I breath
Refresh my mind from all the burden i ave
Whwn thw time decided to drawn the heaven
Away from me
I couldn’t breathe, loosing my fresh air
My lungs become shrink, breathing the sadness air
The black
Colouring my life
Take me to dive the deep blue
Can I get my soul back?
Can I get my heaven back?
Can I breathe my fresh air back?
Tears.....tears.......and tears......
There only one who’ll be my friend now
You’re gone


Try to e a perfect person
Not good to be like not you are
Respect and pretend
Keep in ur ship......
And our friend lost in the midle of the sea
For and hurt to know far about friends
Just think about ship...
And friendship is different
Differenciate step and meaning
Not like friend in the ship
Just smile, laugh and full of envy
Just a moment and lost at the run time
Suddenly close all the hurts and pretend
But not relly true...
Come, go and try to be a good one
Is the bad analogy to see in the depth
O our relationship]just be what you can be for your friendship

UMI NAFI’ ISTIQOMAH, English literature ‘06

Poem is magic words for lover
If the lover is restless with his love
Sprad wine of love for her
And slipped a beautiful word for her

Poem is magic words for parents
If they’re hard to put their child to bed
Put a cup filled with words of love
And spread to the child’s cry

Poem is magic words for poet
If the poet wants to attract the reader
His pen will writes a wonderful words
And intoxicate the readers

Poem is magic words for everyone
For me, for you, for us, and all the people
Who want to show what they feel
What they want, what they dream


Thruogh five directions were integrated
The circle of large field in the middle of city
Baiturrahman sheltered existence
Storied building added the beautiful scenery
Saturday evening untill Sunday morning
Not quiet from visit’s people
Go up and down to find the entertainment and
Formerly very beautiful to rest
Eventhough pitiful...
Now everything has already changed
As if artificial department store
Where is my formerly Simpang Lima?
Ah, I don’t know......

Education program.....


Poverty and injustice come to emerge
To your own country, you give a curse
Will your country be worse?
It is you who decide

Nothing you did since you came
For your country, you have no aim
Will yuor country be the same?
It is you who decide...

Putting yourself as a country defender
For your country, you give all your power
Will your country be better?
It is you who decide.......
It is you who decide.....
It is you who decide..........

Its existence changes the paradigm
Its beauty shines truly
Its aura break through the soul
The typical smell that t has
Calm down anyone who feels it
Many heart grow up because of it
The symbol of everlasting true love
Though there thousands of bushes around it
Its color spread the passions
The perfection of God’s giving
And sometimes cannot describe in mind

Star at night so far away
But the twinkle willnever die
It is like my mother’s love
Will never go, will never end
When I’m blind
When I cry
She never say goodbye
I hope tomorrow I can do so
Cause I know starlight will never go

By Luthfi Azhar M. , English education ‘06

On the sky, through the cloud
A swallow runs
Her wings
Her smooth neck is lighting
By the sun who falls asleep

Sliding to the deep height
Her swift breaking all the winds
While they are screaming
Along the spreading space

Proudly she shows her beauty
Her freedom, and her power
Her golden beak is shining
Looking her stunning creature
The baby swallow smiling
Makes a little move in her nest
Her eyes brightly closed
Beneath the haughty moon